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ASDAN Courses

My Independence: My Independence is a suite of four certificated programmes designed for young people with a range of special educational needs. Aligned with the Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) pathways, this program is ASDAN's key initiative to empower individuals with education, health, and care plans (EHCP) to achieve positive outcomes in their lives.

Lifeskills Challenge: Lifeskills Challenge covers a wide range of topics, including employability, independent living, community engagement, personal, social, and health education (PSHE), and sports and fitness. It provides learners with the practical skills and knowledge needed to thrive in various aspects of life.

Accelerating Progress: These courses are specifically designed to assist young individuals in developing essential skills to make significant progress in English and mathematics, particularly for GCSE preparation.

Geography, Citizenship, Sports and Fitness, Environmental, Foodwise, Independent Living: Our diverse range of ASDAN courses spans a variety of subjects, catering to the unique interests and needs of our learners. These courses provide opportunities for personal growth and skill development.

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